About Me

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las vegas, nevada, United States
i am Carrie Ann Kawa , i am a poet, a writer, music lover, i enjoy intresting conversations, i love the words of others , i have a deep faith in something bigger then myself , i enjoy life instead of complaining about it , i look at the stars, have a wicked sence of humor and i know some where down the line i will be where i need to be for today is today. i walk where i have no place to go , i talk when there is nothing to say , i dream when i am awake . i am carrie and that is all i am ever going to be .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

i went home

for some this is hard to understand,  you see i have no house to visit when i get homesick , my pictures are far and few meaning i may have 20 pics of my whole life so far ---- , all i have is my memory which is to say excellent , so if you know me , and i did not remember something i am lying or i was listing just destarcted , now i will get to the heart of this tale the other night on hbo was the rock and roll hall of fame , well i watch the whole thing 4 beautiful hours of music real music no offence to this age of fame for sale and image on the line of america idol crap , but music pure in eccence of awsome , well i cryed because it made me think of my mom , my dad , me and mike you see i have a soundtrack for my memories in  1982 heart dont lie " came out i was 9 and it makes me think of that summer " hall and oats " was the time i grew up ever time i hear one of there songs i am back there i once told my mom i would not " marry " i was 8 a boy that did not know private eyes " or think out of touch was awsome , new order  was my touch stone , one of my most funniest moments with my dad i was over at his house and we were watching mtv " when they played music " and r e m came on" stand  ", and my dad said who the hell are they i said r e m and me and mike sang after about 30 secs he turns the sound down rushes to get a credence album and says mtv more enjoyable this way credence up hi and that crap real low , my mom was different she embrass what she knew in music and loved the new stuff my mom was an r e m fan , she loved music all type except country , and elvis i like elvis but to each there own well , she is the one that got me into  jazz, classical, and ever thing else she shaped my world with music so when i watching artha franklin , bruse springsteen i was thinking of her simon and garfankle came on i just cryed sound of silence well if you dont you have no heart when my mom was going thru what she went thru i kept sining to myself i am a rock i am an island so i would not break down and i kept thinking while i watch this when i was a kid none of my friend knew the music i was talking about when i said the smiths , michelle was into bon jovi , all my friends like hair metal me i was the odd one always and forever , when i was 10 i got into the art of noise  but my mom she let our interst grow ever week she would take us to oddesy records to hear whats going on, when i was 9 my mom traded doug  2 oranges and a pepsi for a harmonica she said carrie learn to play it i ask how and she said its in your blood just play , i should just pick one up see if i still have it or at least learn my mom was gifted in the piano which i mention before she did not persue her gift me i can sing when my voice is not all choppy { i have not practice my cords in such a long time and really dont plan on it } she was the last person i sang to and well until a better reason comes to mind i do not see the point now before you call me crazy i sing when i am doing something or a song comes on the radio and i have sang at work because words pop in my head no i mean sing like only god can here you i sang in the hospital for her losing my realigon " she loved that song when she did wake up, long story, she said all i remember was you singing carrie and your moon soooooooooo  i leave you music lovers with this   a picture of me at 6  when i look at her i always think you like elton john that  and the beatles i look at kids now with kid bop and think where is your fleetwood mac where is your duran duran , where is your commadors and fifth dimesion , what ever happen to all of that 

i went home and heard part of the soundtrack of my life they couldnt have it all and wished it could of gone all night  and wished my mom was there , and i heard fortnate son and said dad would have like john peformence he sang it with springsteen  and jeff beck on his guitar doing i heard the news today and i will tell you it was like bannana ceame pie after doing somethig else it was a yes moment   i will leave you with that one  tmi    

 i will get back to poetry in a bit promise            see you later   ----carrie 

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