About Me

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las vegas, nevada, United States
i am Carrie Ann Kawa , i am a poet, a writer, music lover, i enjoy intresting conversations, i love the words of others , i have a deep faith in something bigger then myself , i enjoy life instead of complaining about it , i look at the stars, have a wicked sence of humor and i know some where down the line i will be where i need to be for today is today. i walk where i have no place to go , i talk when there is nothing to say , i dream when i am awake . i am carrie and that is all i am ever going to be .

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

carrie ann

that is who i am i no more or less then my name i write because i know no other way every word i write are little taste of me if that makes any sence my loves music plays one of the biggest parts in my life my mom played it always i have a soundtrack of my life art, movies, books i cannot go without my brothers thoughts , maria "s ---------, i am drawn to certain people , i have a wicked sence of humor , my mom used to play the piano since she was three years old her talent was never fully discoverd and it got left behind in the saddess ways that will always have an effect on me because her own music is in my head but i can never reproduce it and that is a sadnees other then that why am i blogging this because in life you need to let yhe world know hey i am here and i am not going anywhere and my plans for world domination oh that was a secret dam i have to stop telling all my secrets well you do not know them all and by the way the death of salt eill be blogged next week and then we will go on from there

goodnight wonder wall sleep well
maria maria maria
mike my transformer freak of a brother

ttfn carrie out

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